Monday, July 5, 2010

Dr. Henry Clarke on George Boston Rhynes Blog, Knowledge you can believe in!

July 1, 2010

George Boston Rhynes believes that we have been lied to, lied about, lied on, and walked on but in the end truth will reign supreme. Let no man woman or beast indoctrinate you, incarcerate you within your own mind, body and soul. Study to show yourself approved unto God and not man. Never bow down before any human being as long as you are alive:

Links of Mind Food & Knowledge!

Dr. Henry Clarke, Tell Our Children Part 3.

Dr. Henry Clarke, Teach Our Children Our History

Henry Clarke, Islamic/Arab Destruction of Black People Part I.

Henry Clarke, Who is a Jew Part 3.

Martin Luther King Jr. Rare Footage Seldom seen (GOOD)

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